In 2007, 16% of adults (aged 20-59) reported first having sex before they were 15 years old. 15% of those adults said they abstained from sex until they were 21 years of age. Today, one-quarter of 15 year old females and less than 30% of 15 year old males have had sex, compared with 66% of 18 year old females, and 68% of 18 year old males who have had sexual intercourse. I know what you are thinking: blah blah blah blah blah. Yeah, me too. Fact is, about 4% of the people in my year have had sex. And about 50% of the people in the year above have done the same thing. What's the turning point? When to you go from 'silly virgin' and mature into 'stupid slut?'. There's an age, a certain age, where you just know. And for my good friend, she turned that age about 3 weeks ago. To my utter surprise she proudly let me know she had gone from an inexperienced teen to what she made sound like a porn star in 21 days. She'd slept with three random guys at the tender age of much-too-young. The worst thing was- she told me not to be surprised. A few days earlier I had heard from a good friend that a friend of a friend had broken up with her boyfriend of 8-or-so months, and the next day, the virgin had slept with an old school buddy. Who she hadn't seen in years. Ouch.
OK, so, as I tell my friends, sex is just sex. But is it really? When should you have it? When are you ready? More importantly, when aren't you ready? Many religions tell us to refrain from sex until marriage. Bullshit. I mean, for personal reasons, say you just didn't wanna, hey, that's OK. But i believe when you have sex, you have sex. Setting unrealistic goals, 'hey stranger let's get married so we can have sex', just makes teens want to marry younger and get divorced younger. It distorts the value of love- and the difference between love and sex. I don't believe you're ready for loosing those V plates until you know what to do and you're not afraid to do it. Know your partner, you're body, the possible consequences, the precautions, and the commitment you are making to this person. Sex is a normal part of adolescent development.
Anyway, back to my friend. Is three sexual partners to much for a minor? I'm not one to judge [OK, so I tend to wear the white wig a lot but...] me thinks yes. Let's just say, a third of that is about right for me. What worries me the most is that she isn't in a proper relationship with any of these men... or should I say boys. IMHO, she should at least accept that she did something stupid and can't take it back. 'But I just couldn't help myself' is no excuse. What's done is done, and by golly has she been done. But what can she do now? Get checked? Check. Do it again? DUH. This girl just can't enough. Well, all I can say to you, babes, if you are reading this: wrap it then tap it!
Peace out, Qwerty xox
OK, so, as I tell my friends, sex is just sex. But is it really? When should you have it? When are you ready? More importantly, when aren't you ready? Many religions tell us to refrain from sex until marriage. Bullshit. I mean, for personal reasons, say you just didn't wanna, hey, that's OK. But i believe when you have sex, you have sex. Setting unrealistic goals, 'hey stranger let's get married so we can have sex', just makes teens want to marry younger and get divorced younger. It distorts the value of love- and the difference between love and sex. I don't believe you're ready for loosing those V plates until you know what to do and you're not afraid to do it. Know your partner, you're body, the possible consequences, the precautions, and the commitment you are making to this person. Sex is a normal part of adolescent development.
Anyway, back to my friend. Is three sexual partners to much for a minor? I'm not one to judge [OK, so I tend to wear the white wig a lot but...] me thinks yes. Let's just say, a third of that is about right for me. What worries me the most is that she isn't in a proper relationship with any of these men... or should I say boys. IMHO, she should at least accept that she did something stupid and can't take it back. 'But I just couldn't help myself' is no excuse. What's done is done, and by golly has she been done. But what can she do now? Get checked? Check. Do it again? DUH. This girl just can't enough. Well, all I can say to you, babes, if you are reading this: wrap it then tap it!
Peace out, Qwerty xox
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